Friday, December 11, 2009

Why Obama Shouldn't Have Received The Nobel Peace Prize

By the title of this blog post, you might be thinking I'm just a disgruntled republican who is bitter over Barack Obama being elected president.  Well, you are wrong because I consider myself an independent and i disagree with different issues on each sides of the aisle.  Okay, now that we got all that cleared up, let's move on.

Let's put all of our political views aside for now.  Someone tell me one thing President Obama has done to warrant a Nobel Peace Prize?  Was is all the bailouts and careless spending?  Perhaps it was the deployment of more troops into aphganistan?  If that were the case then Bush should have gotten a Nobel Peace Prize a long time ago!

I think by awarding the president with this high honor without doing anything to warrant it, devalues the prize itself.  That makes about as much sense as handing an Olympic Gold Medal to a fat slob on the street and implying that he's just as good or better an athlete than Michael Phelps!  How insulting to Michael Phelps who diligently trained and worked hard to get to where he is now.

I apologize to all of those in the past who won and truly deserved the Nobel Peace Prize.  It has now been reduced to just a nice gesture for someone we happen to like.


  1. Obama got the prize for removing the finger of a raving madman from the button which could blow up the whole world. But that aside, listen to the Oslo speech. It's going to be a classic, and probably be considered one of the turning points in modern history.

    In it, Obama lays out the road map towards a lasting peace built on realism, not on the type of idealistic dreams that characterize the peace movement in general. But without losing sight of the final destination, which is not American superiority or some such idiocy, but an international alliance in defense of peace built on the solid foundation of fundamental human rights

  2. Who is the raving madman you're referring to?

  3. I see Jon is writing his butt off...OVER THERE!
    I agree 100% with you...OVER HERE!
    And gee, I wish I had my apartment back!

    A UFO landed in Tatamy,
    The Aliens wanted my anatomy.
    They picked and they probed
    They took out a node
    I said "Is that all you'll take out of me?"


  4. Thanks, MarBearCat...OVER THERE!
