Friday, December 4, 2009

The Handicapped Are People Too!

Now before anybody jumps to conclusions, please read this post in its entirety. I realize that this is a sensitive topic and can easily be taken the wrong way.

Do you ever find yourself feeling awkward or somewhat uneasy around handicap people? Let me try to explain a little better. Okay the other day I was in a doctor's office, in the waiting room. A lady walks in with the cane and she's not getting around so great. Now, not to pick on her or anything, but she was on the hefty side and I remember thinking to myself, please don't fall down, please don't fall down. She didn't fall down and I'm thankful for it!

Now obviously, if the lady fell down, I would have helped her get up. But there would have been a moment of awkwardness for me. I think the awkwardness some of us get some times around handicap people roots from our childhood when parents and school teachers tell us to treat them just like anybody else. I'm not saying that's wrong by any means, but I think by emphasizing that and drilling that into our minds, it almost has the opposite effect on us.

For example, I remember as a young kid and teenager growing up, I would rarely, if at all, look someone in the eyes who was in a wheelchair. It was almost like I was so afraid of being accused of "staring" that I didn't look at them at all! You remember when your parents told you it isn't right to stare? Well that's what happens when you take that lesson too far in the other direction. You completely ignore the person altogether!

Now when I pass by someone in a wheelchair, I make a point to make eye contact and treat them as a human being, as they should be treated of course. Maybe by doing so I make them feel a little more "normal" and possibly let them forget for a second about their wheelchair.

It's a tough thing to talk with kids about. The best thing to do is teach by example, and possibly bring your children around disabled people, and show them that there is no reason to be afraid. That they are just like anyone else aside from their physical condition.

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