Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Please Stop The Facebook Vs. Twitter Debate

When will the Facebook Vs. Twitter debate end? It is very annoying how some people act as if they are in competition with each other. Maybe they are? I don't know, but for me there is a place for both of them side by side.

Facebook is geared towards keeping in touch with friends and family and is better organized for keeping track of ongoing conversations with them. While it is possible to keep in touch with friends and family on Twitter (I tend to do this), it is not really geared toward that.

Because my readers are most likely a mix of age ranges, some of you either haven't used a CB radio or might not even know what it is. A CB radio is still common among truck drivers to communicate back and forth with one another, whether it be for traffic updates, accidents, directions, or just to shoot the breeze and whatever. Each person who talks on the radio has a handle which is equivalent to what we call a screen name or user id today.

Twitter is a lot like a CB radio to me, only much much better! The reason why a lot of people don't know exactly what to do with Twitter is because it almost requires a purpose. When you start to post updates on Twitter, you are essentially broadcasting to the entire world what you are doing, or whatever you are talking about. For this reason, bloggers, websites, news corporations, companies, musicians, etc., tend to adapt very well on Twitter because they have a goal in mind. The goal is to share updates as quick as possible and to make it as easily accessible as possible. Twitter does this very well.

Of course there is a gray area because you can do either one on either service despite each service being geared toward different avenues. For example, you could market your website, company, band, etc. on Facebook just as you could on Twitter. In the same sense, you could keep in touch with friends and communicate with one another, not in the same way, but just as you can on Facebook.

I know I was just comparing the two above, but I don't think its necessary to choose one over the other. Both have their place in our technological tool set and I don't think either one of them will be going away any time soon.

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