Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Does Anyone Really Know What love Is Anymore?

I'm sure we've all witnessed a friend, or someone we know, if not ourselves, in a relationship that became serious overnight, or so it seemed. As I witness people around me throwing the "L" word around and the phrase "I Love you" as if it were just any other word or phrase, I begin to wonder if anyone really knows what love is anymore.

Then you have the people who jump in and out of relationships more often than they change their underwear, and yet continue to throw around the "L" word. How can this be? As I get older, and time moves on, I become more skeptical on whether I ever really want to pursue a serious relationship again. Can you really blame me?

If I were to give any advice at all in this entry, I'd say to never judge anyone for being scared of the "L" word, at least in the beginning. For crying out loud, at least they have RESPECT for the word! It's a word we should be a little scared of when getting into a relationship. It's a serious step and once you cross that step you can't just take it back. It's there, and if you try to take it back once you cross that line you are risking either confusing the person or hurting them or both. So be careful when you decide to say those words.

Maybe I'm out of touch or obsolete when it comes to relationships anymore but it just seems like everyone is in a hurry. Why? What ever happened to just getting to know someone? What ever happened to just having good conversation over a cup of coffee or soda? Call me old fashioned if you want, but I think most of these younger generations have completely omitted the "getting to know each other" phase of relationships and dub it as "old-fashioned". That's absurd! Don't you think you should get to know someone well before you start cramming your tongue down their throat?! Do you see where I'm coming from?

Well, so far I've pointed out the symptoms of our problem, but I haven't gotten to the root. First, I want to state that I think there is more than one root to this problem but I am going to name a couple that I think play a big part. The bottom line is, we are a "fast food" society, as I like to put it. We like everything fast and now. We don't like to wait for anything. So is it surprising that we also don't like to or want to wait for love? So because we are impatient, we race out and try to find someone and make something out of nothing only to be disappointed in the end.

Another root I believe is the fact that everyone simply wants love; to be loved and to love. But love can be hard to grasp because you can't see it and at times you can't even feel it. Yes, that's right, love isn't ALWAYS an emotion or feeling. So what does one do in desperation when they really want to FEEL love? They rush into the physical part of the relationship, skipping past the true aspects of a relationship.

Let me just clear a few things up here before I close. I'm not a doctor or an expert on this subject. These are just my opinions on why many people act as they do in and toward relationships. Please share any thoughts you may have on the matter or please clear up any questions I have if you have the answers to them. Thank you!

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