Monday, December 7, 2009

If You Knew You Were Going To Die...

I was inspired to write this entry because of a co-worker who recently passed on. It was a shock to everyone, at least to everyone I talked with about him. I'm not sure exactly how old he was but he was somewhere in the age range of 45-50.

While I was at work the one day, I thought to myself, if only he knew that by the end of 2009 he would no longer be here. This is something for all of us to consider. Just think of all the little things we worry about in life. We worry about things for years to come, thinks that may not even come to pass!

For quite a while now, I've been working for a very unstable company, at least on my end of the bargain. I'm always being laid off and called back, and many people are in fear of the place eventually shutting its doors for good. I'm sure its something that crossed the mind of the fellow co-worker we recently lost. But guess what, it no longer matters, does it?

I write this blog mainly for myself I guess, because I have no idea if anyone even reads this. Okay, not true, a buddy of mine told me the other day he read an entry on here, so I have at least one reader! But either way, I am asking myself the same question I'm asking you. If you knew you were going to die in a year from now, what changes would you make in your life? You see, it's so easy for us to get too comfortable, live as though we were going to live forever. Then something like this happens; a tragedy, lost loved one, and so on and then we are brought back to reality.

The reality is we can die at any given moment. It could happen from a hidden health issue that you or I may not know about, or we could be involved in a tragic accident. That quickly and easily it can happen.

I'll tell you what I'd change in my life right off the bat. I'd change how I handle and treat the relationships in my life. I'd take them more seriously, and every weekend would be booked up, spending time with my friends and family. It's so easy to take people for granted, but its something we have to try harder not to do.

So if you're reading this post, would you mind sharing with me and everyone else what you would change in your life if you knew you'd be gone this time next year. Thanks for reading.


  1. I don't know if I'd want to know if I was going to die in a years time. I think that if I were aware of that I would focus too much on the impending doom. In my life, I have learned that its important to live each day to the fullest and treat people how you want to be treated with respect and the utmost care. I keep the friendships I have with friends and family close to my heart and keep an open mind for newly developing friendships and relationships. I know that its difficult and sometimes there are people that you just can't keep that open mind about, but we are only human and we have to accept that you don't have to like everyone. But that being said you need to be true to yourself more than anything.
    I spent most of my late teens and early twenties adapting myself to the people that I spent time around, changing who I was and not truly showing my true self, deathly afraid that I wasn't going to be accepted. It came down to a point where I had no idea who I was anymore, what I really liked or enjoyed doing. Once I re-discovered myself, I took a long look at things in my life and made the necessary changes and today I am a better person because of the realization and the things that I went through in my life.
    The biggest thing to remember is to live each day as if it were your last, tell the people you love that you love them, show the people who mean something that you care and value them, because without those people in your life, you wouldn't be who or were you are today.

  2. Thanks very much for that comment, Becky! What great advice you write here! It sounds like you are well on the right track of how we all should be living our lives and cherishing the ones we love.

    I really like the last thing you said, "tell the people you love that you love them, show the people who mean something that you care and value them, because without those people in your life, you wouldn't be who or where you are today."

    I really want to emphasize the very last part of that quote because I think it's something a lot of us tend to forget: "...because without those people in your life, you WOULDN'T be who or where you are today."

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me, and everyone else who reads this, Becky!
