Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bar Whores And Toilet Seats

A couple things first, No, I wasn't just at the bar either today or the other night. And second, I warned you about never knowing what you may wind up reading in this blog!

Today I feel like writing about bar whores. Why? Who knows? Probably because I thought about having some beers later, which made me think about bars, and which made me think about how I can't stand bar whores!

Many guys like bar whores for obvious reasons. I don't want to get too explicit here being that I don't know all the ages of the readers of my blog. But those who are old enough for this post can figure out why many guys like bar whores. Okay, let's move on.

First of all, I find bar whores to be utterly disgusting. This having nothing to do with their looks. Some times they are pretty, and some times so so, and at times butt ugly. But that's not the point at all. It has nothing to do with their looks. Their "behavior" disgusts me as I'll explain in the following paragraphs.

Okay, how do you feel about public toilets? I don't know about you, but I hate having to a poop in a public toilet because I don't like to sit my backside and genitals down where hundreds and thousands of others have sat their backside and genitals. Now even though catching diseases from a toilet seat has supposedly been proven a myth, I'm not so quick to buy it and therefore I lay down tons of toilet paper.

Now you're probably wondering why in the hell I'm talking about public toilet seats and pooping. You're probably sitting there thinking, why the hell is this bozo talking about pooping in public?! What does this have to do with bar whores?! If you were thinking that, that's understandable. Now I'll tie the two together.

You see, bar whores are a lot like public toilet seats. Hundreds, possibly thousands of men have done their "business" with these bar whores and now you're about to "sit" your backside and genitals on this "toilet". Wow kinda gross no?

Now you might be wondering, what should I do if its an emergency, you know, like when you have to poop in an emergency? That's a great question. For starters, you could lay down tons of toilet paper but something tells me she won't be too fond of this and will probably think you're a nut job.... Okay, okay, enough goofing around now. You can't compare an emergency poop to this!

So I guess the moral of the story is (if there is a moral to this story), if you are grossed out about public toilet seats, why on earth would you not be grossed out about bar whores???!!!

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