Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Subway System Proposal For The Lehigh Valley

Okay, before you write me off as crazy and call in the white jackets, first let me explain. The government, society, you name it are all looking for ways to cut down on fuel consumption and traffic in general. But how will they do it? Is there a plan? One thing I know for sure is the Lehigh Valley's public transportation system is, well, pathetic.

Why should I have to leave two hours earlier in order to get to an appointment on time at the other end of the Lehigh Valley? That's nonsense! One bus on every hour just doesn't cut it if we're trying to "woo" people into using public transportation over their own vehicles.

So what do we do? We could have more buses, sure, that's definitely a logical solution. But the fastest most reliable way to move about a large scale is by subway train. Imagine for a second the diameter of the Lehigh Valley from Easton to Allentown and just the surrounding areas of each city. You'd roughly have anywhere from 30 - 40 miles. That's about the diameter of New York City, so the idea of subway lines running that far is not at all far-fetched.

By this mode of transportation we would be greatly cutting out much traffic. If by any chance you think I'm overreacting, then perhaps you've never driven on 25th st. in Easton during the day. Many times it is bumper to bumper traffic and backed up and will most likely continue to get worse in years to come due to the expansion and growth of the Lehigh Valley.

Okay, reader, now let me hear your thoughts on this. There are a lot of people reading this who may not have experienced the subways in New York or elsewhere and aren't sure how they work. So if anyone has any questions regarding that, please don't be afraid to ask. If you are familiar with it, let me know what you think about this proposal for this area.

No matter if we agree on this proposal or not, one thing for sure is, we need a more reliable, convenient mode of public transportation.

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